


We at Nanaimo Minor Hockey Association are always facing a challenge. The challenge is to continue the level of play that Nanaimo’s children have been enjoying for years. We need more community support to do this.

Your sponsorship of a minor hockey team will go a long way to supporting the health of youth hockey in our community. This is a starting point for many children, creating positive life long memories and an initiation into team play as well as sportsmanship. Which are all important factors in a child’s development.

U6, U7 & U8 teams are Corporate Sponsored by The Tim Bits Program with Tim Horton’s, all U11 teams are Corporate Sponsored by the AtoMc Program with McDonald’s. There are to be no co-branding (co-sponsors) in these divisions.

Once a team is Corporate or Individually sponsored, there is to be no co-sponsor unless otherwise agreed upon.

Please email the Hockey Office if you are interested in more information.

NMHA thanks Freeze Frame Photographers for supplying the images comprising this website.Contact Freeze Frame for all your photography needs!
NMHA Thanks Its Sponsors