Why not get your player’s gear cleaned through the Christmas Break? Or give a gift certificate for cleaning in their stocking. This is great even for your oldtimer’s gear.
Nanaimo MHA has a way to sanitize sports equipment that eliminates the bacteria, fungus, sweat and dirt that causes that terrible stink. Our system cleans and sanitizes your equipment.
Please email Tom to set up a date and time nanaimosportsnet2021@gmail.com
EQUIPMENT CLEANING PRICING (PREPAID- debit machine onsite) – No clothing such as jerseys or socks
STANDARD SET OF PLAYERS GEAR: $50.00 Christmas special $30.00
with Bag: $60.00($40.00) (We can’t clean bags that have wheels)
STANDARD SET OF GOALIE GEAR: $70.00 Christmas special $50.00
with Bag: $80.00($60.00) (We can’t clean bags that have wheels)
Please fill in the contract & Equipment Cleaning Contract below in advance of bringing gear to the office at 750 – 3rd St., back left of arena, Nanaimo during regular office hours.
Pick up and drop off during these hours only: Mon 4-7:30pm and Tues – Fri 10-430pm
No late pick ups will be allowed.